I'm Aditya Kocherlakota


I am an aspiring engineer currently enrolled in the 'B.Tech in Information Technology ( IT )' course at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore campus , and graduate in 2023. In college , I am a part of the Computer Society of India VIT(CSIVIT) chapter, hailed to be one of the best chapters present on campus. I am mainly, a part of the Design team here, responsible for the UI / UX design of websites and applications, and their development. I also have an interest in photography, graphic design, game development and a few other things and love doing anything creative , i usually do one of these things in my free time

When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.


Over the years i have picked up the following skills:
  • Front-end web development( javascript, Html, Css, Jquery, ReactJS )
  • Back-end web development( NodeJS, express, webRTC, sockets.io, mongoose)
  • Databases ( MySQL, Postgre SQL, MongoDB )
  • Python programming ( Web-scraping, Automation )
  • Basic datastructure and algorithms
  • UI / UX design ( Adobe XD, Figma )
  • Graphic design ( Adobe Illustrator,Adobe Photoshop )
  • Object oriented programming ( C++, Java, Python )

  • click here to download my Resume!

Practice makes perfect.



A simple web application to create moodboards, this could be used by people trying to find the right aesthetic for their next project.Of course, it's not limited to just that, you can also use it as a simple note taking application, and anything else you can think of!

Check it out at https://adikoch17.github.io/MoodBoard/


A simple web chat application created using ReactJS,NodeJS(express,socket.io)

Check it out at https://github.com/adikoch17/chatApp


A multiplayer chess game to play with you friends! Created using ReactJS, NodeJS(express,socket.io), Chess.js, Chessboard.js

1 / 5
create or join
2 / 5
create a game
3 / 5
or join one
4 / 5
then play
5 / 5
And win!

Check it out at https://github.com/adikoch17/ChessReact


A small desktop application to track cryptocurrency prices(wazirx)

Check it out at https://github.com/adikoch17/MyCoins

Python projects

Just a few smaller Python projects

1. Price Tracker

Simple python web-scraper bulit using bs4 to track the price of a product listed on amazon


2. Password Locker

A simple python script to store your passwords on a MySql database on your computer


3. News Fetcher

A dynamic web scraper built using selenium in python to fetch articles from CNN on the topic you want to search


4. "The wandering inn" scraper

A web scraper to let you convert the web novel "The wandering inn" into a text file which you can later convert into a pdf/epub


Humans are a social species.


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